Thursday 30 April 2009

Best Scrambled Eggs EVA

Scrambled eggs are THE BEST! I always want them for b'fast or after a late night...

Here is an easy recipe for the tastiest scrambled eggs:

- 2 to 3 high quality eggs, preferably local/ organic/ free range
- 1 teaspoon good quality olive oil

If making an even number of eggs, use half whites only and half whole egg. When I make 3 eggs I use 2 whites and one whole.

Crack your eggs in a wide mouth bowl, pour in the olive oil and whisk the crap out of them until frothy- usually two minutes. Make sure the yolk is fully incorporated and there are no blobs of egg white floating around.

Eggs like to be cooked "low n' slow" don't use heat above medium-low. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until there is no liquid, but don't over cook them so they become spongey. Gross.

Eat solo, or put in a tortilla with melted cheese!

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