Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Meet the Cooks: Stumbleweed

I'm a dude that loves food and will try anything twice. My favorite culinary area is Asia, though I certainly love Latin and Italian food as well. I'm a hobby cook, I used to work in restaurants when I was a teenager though -- basically, I worked in enough restaurants to know that I don't want to run one or work in one full-time. So I cook at home instead.

My favorite things to make tend to be one of the three categories above -- even when I'm not trying to make something Asian/Latin/Italian, it sort of turns out that way... so most of the recipes I post will be of this ilk. I'm a huge advocate of pork, soup, the use of food processors, anything dumpling-related, and curry. I tend to cook mostly vegetarian at home for whatever reason (don't want to dirty cutting boards and germ up my kitchen primarily), so many recipes will be veggie-only.

My other favorite thing to do is eat, so I'll likely profile some of my favorite restaurants/cuisine as well, most of which would be in the Denver area.

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