Saturday, 13 December 2008

How to cook a steak by Andy Bandini

If you really like grilling steak I suggest you stop reading this now. I say this because if you cook a steak this thread's way, the iron skillet way, you will never want to ever grill a good piece of meat again. should you attempt grilling after following this recipe, you will weep endless tears for wasted beef and probably stab yourself in the thigh with your tongs.

everyone should have a cast iron skillet. they are cheap (like $20) and last a long time if you take care of them. most important: they are essential to cook a steak the best way.

when you buy beef, go to the butcher or the meat department, dont buy the saran wrapped stuff. those cuts are typically thin and suffocated by the packaging. get something with good marbling (thin white veins of fat) and a good layer of fat around the sides. I like top sirloin because its cheap and cooks very well this way. bone in steaks work, but not quite as well.

30 minutes before youre gonna start cooking, take the steak out and unwrap it. season it how you want (cant go wrong with fresh cracked black pepper and kosher salt) and let it sit while you do your shit.

figure out your vegetables or carbs and do that. preheat oven to 350.

put your beautiful, wonderful cast iron skillet on the stove top. turn the heat to high. you want the pan really hot. when its smoking and water boils off it real quick like then it is ready. make sure you have a watch with a seconds hand. push the steak together, smush it from the sides so it's compact as it gets, and get it on the skillet. if you have a thinner cut (3/4 inch) sear the steak on each side for 45 second to one minute. a thicker cut like the one i did tonight (bout 1 1/2 inch) can sear for 1 forty-five to two minutes a side. it will look like this:

after the second side has seared put the whole thing in the oven. this is the very important part. you must keep your eye on the clock. for medium/medium rare cook 3 minutes per side per 3/4 inch thickness (six minutes per side for 1 1/2 inch thickness). dont cook longer! remember if it is undercooked you can always put it back in the oven. (if you like your steak well done or even medium well, dont bother with any of this. this is meat for people who like meat, and it doesnt really matter how you make shit food anyway).

when it is done take it out and cover with foil and let sit for ten minutes. take the pan and put it back on the stove. you got all kinds of great juices and meat bits on the pan why let it go do waste? turn the heat back on it and once it gets hot throw a little water on and scape the surface. make any kind of reduction you want. i like adding minced red onion, sauteing it, adding wine and butter and then reducing it. looks like this:

take the juices that have collected under the steak and add them to the sauce. when it reaches the consistency to your liking you are ready to eat.

now, the reason why this is best way to cook a steak is three fold. first, the scorching heat on both sides seals in the juices and makes for a tasty and good looking crust. second, baking the steak allows for even cooking. and third, you have a pan of beef bits and juices just begging you to make into something wonderful. in the end it should look something like this (it's a bit overcooked) when you cut into it

sometimes i will saute my veggies in the juices with some butter and spices. it's whatever you want. tonight I baked carrots and red onion with red wine, extra virgin and a little butter. cooked some 5 minute couscous, added some of the wine/onion reduction to it and I was good to go. this is a relatively fast meal and a sexy delight.

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